Mid-Term Practice Q1
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Author: VKrishna04

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Two products are sold from a vending machine, which has two push buttons P1 and P2. When a button is pressed, the price of the corresponding product will be displayed in a 7 - segment display. If no buttons are pressed, '0' will be displayed signifying ‘Rs 0’. If only P1 is pressed, ‘2’will be displayed, signifying ‘Rs. 2’ If only P2 is pressed ‘5’ will be displayed, signifying ‘Rs. 5’ If both P1 and P2 are pressed, 'E' will be displayed, signifying ‘Error’ The names of the segments in the 7 - segment display, and the glow of the display for ‘0’, ‘2’, ‘5’ and ‘E’ are shown below. Consider (1) push buttons pressed/not pressed in equivalent to logic 1/0 respectively. (2) a segment glowing/not glowing in the display is equivalent to logic 1/0 respectively. Design a combinational circuit for the outputs(b, c, e, f, g ) of the 7 - segment display.

Created: Oct 31, 2023

Updated: Oct 31, 2023


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