Ever wanted to add together 2 32 bit hexadecimal numbers? Never fear!
This hexadecimal calculator is inspired by common pocket calculators. In theory, it could be expanded to do other common functions (once I gain the technical know how to do so :/), but for now, it is capable of addition. The display was the most interesting part to make, but it should definitely feel quite similar to your everyday calculator.
INSTRUCTIONS: Type in each hexadecimal number (0 - 9, a - f) (preferably one at a time) into the keyboard. The number will then be moved onto the display. Press "clear" to revert the inputted number. Press the "+" key to add the number to the memory. The display will then show the number stored in the memory. When a new number is input, the display will clear, and will show the new number. To clear the memory, press the "clear all" button.
Dec 07, 2023
Dec 07, 2023
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