Member since: 1 year
Educational Institution: Not Entered
Country: Not Entered
AND Gate
AND GateOR Gate
OR GateNot Gate
Not GateOR Gate By NAND
OR Gate By NAND2*2 Binary Multiplier
2*2 Binary Multiplier3*3 Binary multiplier
3*3 Binary multiplier2*2 Binary Multiplier
2*2 Binary MultiplierHalf Adder
Half AdderSR Flip Flop
SR Flip FlopRock-paper-scissors
Rock-paper-scissors8*3 Encoder
8*3 EncoderUntitled
Untitled2*2 Binary Multiplier
2*2 Binary Multiplier3*8 Decoder
3*8 Decoder2*4 Decoder
2*4 Decoder3 Bit Multiplier Circuit
3 Bit Multiplier CircuitBinary -to -Gray, Gray -to -Binary code converte
Binary -to -Gray, Gray -to -Binary code converteBinary -to -Gray, Gray -to -Binary code converte
Binary -to -Gray, Gray -to -Binary code converteBinary -to -Gray, Gray -to -Binary code converte
Binary -to -Gray, Gray -to -Binary code converteUntitled
Untitled4x1 Multiplexer
4x1 Multiplexer4x1 Multiplexer
4x1 Multiplexer1*8 DEMULTIPLEXER
1*8 DEMULTIPLEXER3 Bit Multiplier Circuit
3 Bit Multiplier Circuit2*2 Binary Multiplier
2*2 Binary Multiplier4*2 Encoder
4*2 Encoder