auto read and write EEPROM
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Author: PATATA

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You can read and write automatically or manually

1. Switch mode-switching between auto mode and manual mode

    - auto mode : The addresser will automatically reel off all units.

    - manual mode : Your need to input the address, and click write ! or read ! to perform your command. 

2. Address- Select your address by x-axis and y-axis.

3. write number- To input a 4-bit number.

4. enable write- To decide whether the unit will accept your input.

5. enable read- To decide whether you can read the unit through the screen

------RAM with adder-------

6. Plus- to direct value into the D flip-flop , and the adder will automatically add the two number and output a 5-bit value.

Created: Mar 13, 2020

Updated: Jun 30, 2023


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