Member since: 1 year
Educational Institution: presidency University bangalore
Country: India
logical gates
logical gatesconstructing basic gate using universal gates
constructing basic gate using universal gatesUntitled
Untitledadder and subtraction
adder and subtractionUntitled
3bitt flip flop
t flip flopLATCH EXPT - 6
LATCH EXPT - 6Untitled
Untitledmux and demux using nand gate
mux and demux using nand gatemux and demux of basic gates
mux and demux of basic gatesmux and demux using nand gate
mux and demux using nand gateexperiment 5
experiment 5logical gate
logical gatelogical gates
logical gateslogical gates
logical gatesUntitled
encoderd flip flop
d flip flopjk flip flop
jk flip flopsr flip flop
sr flip flopMUX Level2 Exp3
MUX Level2 Exp3MUX Level1 Exp3
MUX Level1 Exp3