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Author: Johnny Orihuela

Forked from: Mathias/GROUP ASSIGNMENT - GROUP F

Project access type: Public


Design an Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) which can perform the following arithmetic and logic operations:  

  1. Add

  2. Subtract

  3. NAND

  4. NOT

  5. NOR

  1. Construct the diagram of a 1-bit simple ALU that performs the above arithmetic operation (addition and subtraction) and the THREE (3) logical operations.
  2. Using the 1-bit ALU as a block, construct a larger ALU, which can perform all the functions of the 1-bit ALU but with nibble sized inputs. 
  3. Implement an 8-bit ALU with an 8-bit Memory Registers to store the results so it can be used as input for future ALU operations. This must be implemented in CircuitVerse or a similar circuit simulation software to demonstrate you have a working ALU Design.

Created: May 10, 2023

Updated: Aug 27, 2023


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