Member since: 5 years
Educational Institution: Oulun yliopisto
Country: Finland
9 bit to bcd
9 bit to bcdKertolaskutin
ekakoe16bit clock from 4bit clocks
16bit clock from 4bit clocksdetect second long pressing
detect second long pressingKellist bro
Kellist bro4 bit adder
4 bit adderKero kero laskutin
Kero kero laskutinPorrasvalo
PorrasvaloXOR gate from 4 NAND gates
XOR gate from 4 NAND gatesFa from 2 ha and OR gate
Fa from 2 ha and OR gateDT1 lopputyö
DT1 lopputyö3b times 3b
3b times 3bLM92to7seg