Everything is working great in this build! So I will be taking about a week break from this. Well except single pixel drawing on GPU but more on that later. I included a Hello World program and a screen clear test program running by default.But I would love to see what programs people can come up with. So definitely fork this and make your own programs for it, and link them in the comments below!
Also I am working on adding more instructions for the cpu and the gpu, let me know what might be useful in the comments and definitely check my in progress updates below!
I am running into an issue with per pixel drawing giving a contention error which doesn't make sense as i have tested the chip. unless the rgb screen col and row pins are also outputs i don't get what is going on.
For now though i'm taking a break from that and working on implementing some more of the OPs.
Here is a list of instructions. I'll add descriptions soon. Anything with a * before it is not implemented yet.0 NOP [0]1 JMP [1]2 SETA [10]3 SETB [11]4 LDA [100]5 LDB [101]6 WRA [110]7 WRB [111] *8 IA [1000]*9 IB [1001]*10 DA [1010]*11 DB [1011]*12 SLA [1100]*13 SLB [1101]*14 SRA [1110]*15 SRB [1111] 16 ADD [1 0000]17 SUB [1 0001]18 MUL [1 0010]19 DIV [1 0011] 20 EQL [1 0100]21 NEQL [1 0101]22 GRT [1 0110]23 LSS [1 0111]24 GRQL [1 1000]25 LEQL [1 1001] 26 SSP [1 1010]27 PUSH [1 1011]28 POP [1 1100]29 LTS [1 1101] *30 PROC [1 1110]*31 EPROC [1 1111] 32 SAS [10 0000]
Oct 18, 2022
Aug 27, 2023
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