8-bit CPU
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Author: KHALED

Forked from: Chamu Rajasekera/8-bit CPU

Project access type: Public


8-bit CPU based on Ben Eater's Breadboard CPU. Slight modifications to fetch instructions from ROM instead of ram, lowering RAM size to 8 bytes. Current Programming:(LDA 0, ADD 1, OUT, HLT, LDA 2, ADD 3, OUT, HLT, LDA 4, ADD 5, OUT, HLT, LDA 6, ADD 7, OUT, HLT)Reference: (LDA X Load byte from ram address X into $A)(ADD X Load byte from ram address X, sum with $A and put result in $A)(OUT Flush bus into output register $out)(HLT Halt)

Created: Nov 16, 2022

Updated: Aug 27, 2023


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