Member since: 2 years
Educational Institution: Not Entered
Country: Not Entered
Untitledhalf adder
half adderUntitled
15_A2-bit ALU
2-bit ALU2-bit ALU
2-bit ALU3X8 decoder
3X8 decoderSR flip flop
SR flip flopjk flip flop
jk flip flopD flip flop
D flip flopT flip flop
T flip flop2-bit ALU
2-bit ALUUntitled
UntitledMultiplexers using logic gates
Multiplexers using logic gatesbinary to gray
binary to gray15_A
15_AMultiplexers using logic gates
Multiplexers using logic gatesMultiplexers using logic gates
Multiplexers using logic gatesEXP : 4 Carry Look-Ahead Adder 3 bit
EXP : 4 Carry Look-Ahead Adder 3 bithalf adder
half adder