Member since: 2 years
Educational Institution: kiet group of institute
Country: India
shreyansh sec c
shreyansh sec c(4 to 2) line and (8 to 3) Line Encoders
(4 to 2) line and (8 to 3) Line Encodersgra to binary
gra to binaryDecoder 2*3 and 3*8 circuit
Decoder 2*3 and 3*8 circuitUntitled
Untitledgra to binary
gra to binaryfull adder
full adderbinary to gray
binary to grayhalf subtractor shreyansh
half subtractor shreyanshshreyansh.full adder subtractor
shreyansh.full adder subtractor4x2 && 8x3 encoder
4x2 && 8x3 encoderRS FLIPFLOP
D flipflopUntitled
Untitled2bit alu
2bit alu3 bit lookahead
3 bit lookaheadExperiment 9 4x1,8x1 Multiplexers
Experiment 9 4x1,8x1 Multiplexers4x1 and 8x1 MUX
4x1 and 8x1 MUX2 BIT ALU
2 BIT ALU3*3 binary multiplier
3*3 binary multiplierExperiment 9 4x1,8x1 Multiplexers
Experiment 9 4x1,8x1 MultiplexersGray To binary
Gray To binaryUntitled
UntitledCOA Full adder
COA Full addershreyansh shukla c section
shreyansh shukla c sectionPallel adder/substractor
Pallel adder/substractorEXP : 10 1x4 and 1x8 De-multiplexers
EXP : 10 1x4 and 1x8 De-multiplexers4x2 && 8x3 encoder
4x2 && 8x3 encoderCarryover