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EX1 2022-1 PLAN
EX1 2022-1 PLANRecordando
RecordandoLAB 3 2020_2
LAB 3 2020_2memoria de datos
memoria de datos3 Bit Comparator
3 Bit ComparatorComparador (1 bit)
Comparador (1 bit)COMP-16bits FUJ-169
COMP-16bits FUJ-169Comparador de 2 bits
Comparador de 2 bitsKeyboard to ASCII
Keyboard to ASCIIbinary to decimal
binary to decimalBinary to decimal decoder
Binary to decimal decoderhex display
hex displaySeven-Segment Display
Seven-Segment DisplayKeyboard
KeyboardNuevo circuito
Nuevo circuitoCOMPARADOR 8BITS
COMPARADOR 8BITSbinary to decimal
binary to decimalMatriz
Lab2_2022_1_Preg1_ViernesLAB3 2022-2 PLAN v2
LAB3 2022-2 PLAN v2EX1 2022-1
EX1 2022-1EX1 2022-1
EX1 2022-1Decodificador 7 Segmentos
Decodificador 7 SegmentosDecoder_Display_7_segments
Decoder_Display_7_segmentsEX1 2022-2 PLAN
EX1 2022-2 PLAN3 Bit Comparing Circuit
3 Bit Comparing CircuitALU y Computadora
ALU y Computadora2 bit comparator using basic gates
2 bit comparator using basic gatesDecodificador_Display 7 segmentos
Decodificador_Display 7 segmentosDecodificador 7 Segmentos
Decodificador 7 Segmentos2 bit comparator using basic gates
2 bit comparator using basic gates