Member since: 2 years
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1x16 decoder 21bce3547
1x16 decoder 21bce3547F'(POS)NOR
one_bit_ALU2:4 decoder using 1:2 decoder
2:4 decoder using 1:2 decoderNAND logic circuit of 2:4 Decoder
NAND logic circuit of 2:4 Decodermultiplier
cat_1_solution_3a1x8 21BKT0016
1x8 21BKT0016FA_FS
F(POS)NOR3x8 decoder 21BKT0016
3x8 decoder 21BKT00161x16 decoder 21BKT0016
1x16 decoder 21BKT001621BCE3547
F'(POS)16:1 MUX using 8:1 MUX
16:1 MUX using 8:1 MUXcircuit_t2
circuit_t28x1 mux 21BKT0016
8x1 mux 21BKT0016F'(SOP)
SET_Bone bit
one bit8:1 MUX using 4:1 MUX
8:1 MUX using 4:1 MUX4 BIT ALU
4 BIT ALU2:1 multiplexer IOA
2:1 multiplexer IOA2x1 mux using nand
2x1 mux using nand2x1 mux using nand
2x1 mux using nand2:1 multiplexer IOA
2:1 multiplexer IOA16X1 MUX 21BKT0016
16X1 MUX 21BKT00163*8 decoder using 2*4 decoder
3*8 decoder using 2*4 decoder3*8 decoder using 2*4 decoder
3*8 decoder using 2*4 decoderAOI logic circuit of 2:4 Decoder
AOI logic circuit of 2:4 DecoderCAT_1_SOlution_1a
cat1_solution_5Mealy Machine
Mealy Machineasynchronous counter
asynchronous counterasynchronous counter
asynchronous counterMealy Machine
Mealy MachineMoore Machine
Moore MachineMoore Machine
Moore Machine2x1 mux using nor
2x1 mux using nor2x1 mux using nor
2x1 mux using nor16X1 MUX 21BCE3547
16X1 MUX 21BCE354716X1 MUX 21BCE3547
16X1 MUX 21BCE354716X1 MUX 21BKT0016
16X1 MUX 21BKT0016NAND logic circuit of 2:4 Decoder
NAND logic circuit of 2:4 DecoderF(SOP)NAND
F'(SOP)NAND2:4 decoder using 1:2 decoder
2:4 decoder using 1:2 decoderAOI logic circuit of 2:4 Decoder
AOI logic circuit of 2:4 Decodercat1_solution_4b
cat1_solution_4bFull Adder/Subtractor using Decoder
Full Adder/Subtractor using Decoder1x16 decoder 21BKT0016
1x16 decoder 21BKT00168x1 mux 21BKT0016
8x1 mux 21BKT00164-Bit Synchronous Up Counter
4-Bit Synchronous Up Countercat_1_solution_1b
cat_1_solution_1b2:1 multiplexer IOA
2:1 multiplexer IOA4 ->1 multiplexer using 2->1 Multiplexers
4 ->1 multiplexer using 2->1 Multiplexers4-Bit Synchronous Up Counter
4-Bit Synchronous Up Counter