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CCWXYZ4x16DecoderHalf adder using 4:1 MUX
Half adder using 4:1 MUXHALF ADDER CIRCUIT
HALF ADDER CIRCUITBE using 8:1 MUX (A as i/p,B,C,D as select lines)
BE using 8:1 MUX (A as i/p,B,C,D as select lines)BE using 8:1 MUX (b as i/p, and a,c,d as select lines)
BE using 8:1 MUX (b as i/p, and a,c,d as select lines)BE using 8:1 MUX (d as i/p, and a,b,c as select lines)
BE using 8:1 MUX (d as i/p, and a,b,c as select lines)TASK II HALF ADDER (SOP)
TASK II HALF ADDER (SOP)1-Bit Comparator
1-Bit ComparatorDesign 1 bit comparator using 4:1 MUX
Design 1 bit comparator using 4:1 MUXComparator
ComparatorBE using 16:1 MUX
BE using 16:1 MUXBE using 8:1 MUX (c as i/p, and a,b,d as select lines)
BE using 8:1 MUX (c as i/p, and a,b,d as select lines)Decoder based design : 10BCE0359
Decoder based design : 10BCE0359Q3 Q4 Demux Decoder
Q3 Q4 Demux Decoder2:1 POS OAI Logic
2:1 POS OAI LogicImplement 3 bit Gray to Binary code converter using 3:8 decoder.
Implement 3 bit Gray to Binary code converter using 3:8 decoder.Design 1 bit comparator using 4:1 MUX
Design 1 bit comparator using 4:1 MUXImplement boolean expression using 8:1 Mux
Implement boolean expression using 8:1 Muxone bit DR ALU
one bit DR ALUone bit DR ALU
one bit DR ALUMUX based design
MUX based design