Computer 1.0
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Author: Razan Alqahtani

Project access type: Public


Series briefing: OK, I thought that 'If computers are basically just a bunch of circuits communicating with each other, and CircuitVerse can simulate circuits, then why not try to simulate a computer?' So I began my mission to build a simulated computer out of simulated circuits.

Description of Project: This is my first computer in my mission to simulate a computer in the manner stated above. The first computers, unlike all our fancy gadgets, watches, and AIs, mostly did math operations. So this one too takes input, does a few operations, and gives an output. Nothing fancy. Really, truly, nothing fancy. Why else aside from the level of complexity can I state that? The size of a number. In reality, a number stored in a computer could be very big or very small, positive or negative; while in my computer, the only numbers posibble are less that 16 and cannot be negative, nor can they have a decimal point. Another thing is that the simulated computer only does addtion and subtraction. Only. Of course, I made big simplifications in my computer. But, since it is just 1.0, there will still be a 1.1, 1.2, etc. with more improvements.

How to use: To begin, ensure that the 'Outer Main' circuit is selected. After that you will see multiple HexDisplay elements. They display the numbers of the calculation, along with the operator. To operate the computer, input the first and second numbers in the labeled inputs. Then, click on the button under the first input to toggle between addition and subtraction. Read the hex displays as decimal numbers; the format is kind of like this: 10 + 5 ->- 15

Please read displays in Decimal.

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and please, also give me a comment on how this could be improved for Computer 1.5.

Update: You can now access Computer 1.1 by following the link.

Created: May 08, 2022

Updated: Aug 27, 2023


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