Member since: 3 years
Educational Institution: Not Entered
Country: Not Entered
W2: Practice and Demonstrate LAB
W2: Practice and Demonstrate LABBreakout Room - W1 P& D
Breakout Room - W1 P& Dw12: practice and demonstrate
w12: practice and demonstratew12: practice and demonstrate
w12: practice and demonstrateWeek 2 Lab
Week 2 Labweek9practice
week9practiceWeek 4 Practice and Demonstrate LAB
Week 4 Practice and Demonstrate LABweek4 prepare and engage LAB
week4 prepare and engage LABW3 Practice and Demonstrate LAB
W3 Practice and Demonstrate LABW8: Practice and Demonstrate
W8: Practice and DemonstrateWeek6: Practice & Demonstrate
Week6: Practice & Demonstrateextra credit
extra creditw7 practice and demonstrate
w7 practice and demonstrateW7 SUMMARIZE AND REFLECT