Design a circuit to indicate 4-bit Odd and Even numbers.
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Author: Souvik Das

Project access type: Public


Components required:

Inputs, outputs, NOT gates, wires.


The LSB is the smallest level that an ADC can convert, or is the smallest increment a DAC outputs.

Both converters are used at the boundaries between the analog and digital realms, making it possible

for the analog circuits to talk to the digital ones and backwards.

Any integer that can be divided exactly by 2 is an even number. The last digit is 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8.

Example: −24, 0, 6 and 38 are all even numbers.


⮚ Take 4 inputs for the 4 bit number and label the as a0, a1, a2 and a3.

⮚ Now connect two digital LEDs at the LSB i.e. a3.

⮚ Connect a NOT gate for one of the two digital LEDs to show the function of both even and

odd bits.

⮚ Now Monitor the output at the LEDs for different inputs.


So, from the above experiment we learn that if LSB=0 number is EVEN, else number is ODD.

Created: Nov 18, 2021

Updated: Aug 27, 2023


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