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Stack Overflow

Created by Jordan • 3 years ago
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On  Jul 27, 2020

So in this circuit I made, whenever you bring Write Enable high on the register, output enable high on my manual entry buffer, and pulse the clock, I get a stack overflow error, each of the components work fine on their own, but when I connect them all to the bus and try to write to them this way I get stack overflow, is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?

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Satvik Ramaprasad

On  Aug 18, 2020

@jordan When a stack overflow occurs, it is generally due to an infinite cycle. An infinite cycle can be caused by contention in the circuit. CircuitVerse has a limitation that the triState's output cannot be sent across sub circuits. This could also be causing an issue. I was unable to reproduce the stack overflow, could you share the exact steps to achieve stack over flow?

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On  Sep 26, 2023

Try running a RS flip flop and set both inputs Hi(1).

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