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My circuit is not loading.

Created by The Unknown • 1 year ago
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The Unknown

On  Mar 29, 2023

I made a circuit and when I refreshed the page, it just kept showing loading animation. I thought it was some server issue so I waited overnight but it's still not loading.

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On  Apr 25, 2023

Ciao, probabilmente ti era andata via la connessione se no non lo so, comunque penso (se non te lo ha salvato) che non si possa più recuperare e che purtroppo dovrai farlo da capo.

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Neil Abbott

On  Apr 23, 2024

@phrazle If the power supply is inadequate for the task, voltage drops can occur, resetting microcontrollers or causing other components to behave erratically. Batteries can be measured and have the correct voltage when no load is applied, but when connected to a circuit, the voltage can drop sufficiently to render the circuit useless.

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